Saturday, July 31, 2010

Baby Girl Bennett

Baby Girl Bennett
DOB 07/30/2010
Time 4:56pm
Weight 5 pounds 15 ounces
Length ~19 inches

First two pictures are from 7/30/2010, the rest are from 7/31/2010
We will decide on her name very soon!

It's a Girl!

Chad and I have a daughter, and she is oh so cute and precious. She decided to cause mommy lots of pain with back labor and constant contractions once my water broke on Friday. We had a scheduled c-section for Tuesday, August 3rd. I didn't like labor, I cried, screamed, yelled, during it while waiting for the spinal, the nurse kept calling the anesthesiologist. We were all waiting on him to begin. Our little girl may be an only child, since I don't think I want to do this pregnancy or labor thing again.

However, I am bouncing back rather quickly, and our daughter seems to be progressing well, she's off from oxygen and this crazy thing that they had in her nose,which she constantly tried to pull it out, they wrapped her arms down with a blanket, looked like a mini straight jacket. She is slightly anemic, and they aren't sure why, and are searching for the cause. We haven't been able to hold her yet. She has lines in her belly button, since she fought them so hard when they tried to put in an iv. I hate leaving her up there in RNICU, but going to go up soon to see my little pumpkin. She is amazing, and nameless still, Chad and I have it narrowed down to two names, and hopefully by tomorrow we'll decide. We worry about shortening of names, one has an option, but the other we would rather not.

So I finished my dinner and now waiting for my next dose of motrin for pain and then I'll go back and spend sometime with my little girl one on one.

I wish my brother could have been able to see her, but only parents, me and Chad and grandparents, so our parents. They won't even let great grandparents in. Oh well, hopefully we'll go home together on Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

I'll post some pictures too!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm So Ready To Meet Baby Bennett

I am so ready to meet this baby I am carrying. Thought it was going to happen yesterday, thought my water might have broken sometime between 2:30am and 3:30am, so I got up checked the pregnancy books, I don't know what is going on, this is a first for me. I woke up Chad and he decided it was better to go to the hospital and get it checked out rather than stay home. I was on the fence about it, since I didn't want to be embarrassed if it hadn't broke. Well it hadn't broke, and I was sent home. I have been having contractions off and on, never really any closer than an hour apart. But on the ride to the hospital they were like 12 minutes apart, and when they hooked me up to the monitor I could see that what I felt was really a contraction. My cervix is thinning, but is still closed. Baby's head is where it's suppose to be. The exam was brutal, man did that hurt and all day long. Chad is happy to be a boy!

I have so much pressure and discomfort that I am not enjoying this anymore. I am ready to meet this baby. Tuesday marks 38 weeks, and one week from my scheduled c-section. It's scheduled for August 3rd at 5pm. Will I make it to then? No one knows. I asked the doctor at the hospital on her opinion on whether I'll make it to the 3rd, and she said if not your baby will just have a different birthday. I am not picky on the birthday, I picked the 3rd mainly because it was the first day they gave me, plus I like then number 3, and it was a Tuesday. This baby was conceived on a Tuesday.

Now we are back to waiting! And hoping for not another embarrassing trip to the hospital to just get sent home. Those beds in maternity triage are the most uncomfortable beds, I hurt just from laying on that for 3 hours.

When oh when will Baby Bennett come, when oh when will that be?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vogtmann/Furst Shower Pictures - June 19th, 2010

Chad and I with our cake, he must have really wanted cake, he's imagining about how good it will taste!

This is the bear my mom made for baby's room, isn't it just so cute!

This is our adorable cake, Hello Mommy...GoodBye Tummy! Gotta love it!

This was the cutest basket with winnie the pooh and friends stuffed rattles, with the wonderful polka dotted balloons, made by very close family friend Julie! Thank you so very much! The wind kept catching it!

Another great decoration for the shower, this diaper cake was so beautiful, some thought it was a real cake. My Aunt Jenette made this for our shower, amazing work! Thank you so very much!

Chad and I after all was cleaned up and getting ready to head for home!

Us with a belly to belly shot, gosh whose is bigger, I have him beat now.

I look really huge in this picture, but still decided to post it.

Home stretch!

Well we are on the home stretch so to speak, and it's not all the enjoyable with the heat, humidity and not being able to do what I want when I want. I am trying to take it easy, when I do, I feel better, but then I get that got to be productive in my head and do to much. It's amazing how tired you get so fast now.

I'll be 36 weeks pregnant on Tuesday, and we are trying to schedule the c-section on August 3rd. Though my parents think baby might come early. I think because they have a 2 hour drive to get here. And since we have a plan for them to bring down the motor home and stay here on the property for a bit to help out, which works when you know the day. If baby comes early they'll bring the car down and then go back to get the motor home. I am just trying to keep baby safe and sound inside for as long as possible.

We had both our baby showers, both were a great success, and we have pretty much all we need to bring baby home, and then some. I can't get over how generous everyone was. I felt so loved, it was amazing! Granted both were very hot, but it didn't rain. And had to have a few days of recovery after wards. Learned to drink a lot more water at the second one, since I didn't during the first one.

We couldn't fit all the gifts in my car at the one up north, I have a big family and we have lots of friends, so we brought my parents truck back. Talk about a blessing in disguise, turns out my car had some major problems I was unaware of, we don't drive it that often, more so now since Chad's car needs work, but he's off for the summer. My wonderful parents fixed the problems so we have a safe car for us and baby. It's old and I've had it for 8.5 years, and don't plan on getting a different anytime in the near future. I have the greatest parents out there!

Now Chad needs to go work on his car up there, it's not normal for us to take our cars up there and leave them to be worked on, that usually don't fly, we are usually always there to help under my dad's guidance. This time with mine was special and probably a once in a lifetime thing. So Chad will go and work on his car with dad's help, get the ready before baby comes too.

The nursery is pretty much done, need to find window coverings, or blinds without cords/strings, and paint the doors and put them back on. But if baby came we'd be ok. We have the crib on order for site to store pick up at the Walmart by my doctor's office so hopefully at the next visit we'll be able to pick it up, if not the next week's appointment.

So that is my update for now! I am going to try and add some of the pictures from the shower. The cake from up north was funny, "hello mommy, goodbye tummy" Plus Chad doesn't look that good in the pictures, he takes good photos when he's not aware they are being taken, just those posed ones seem not to turn out. Plus we were hot and tired.